There are several parts to what I do:

  • Physical
  • Coaching
  • Energy
  • Shamanistic
  • Classes

Please, visit for a more complete idea of my services.  

Your Life is Yours.    No one else's.    Make it so.

Tangled Roots?

We all have our tangled roots:  gifts, experiences, expectations, definitions of self.

  • Ancestors that we don't even know who gave us things and those we do know.
  • Families and all that implies.
  • Experiences and relationships.
  • The culture we live in.
  • The authority figures who have influenced us.

 They are all our roots, our stories.


Yes, they are our history, but they are just that, history. They are not a place to live in.


Angry or lost?

We cope, or settle, or tell ourselves it's our fault or it can't be changed. We settle for someone else's vision of our future. It is the well meaning, or not so well meaning gifts others have given to us over the years.


Perhaps, you hear yourself saying things like:

  • Things never change
  • I'm just angry
  • I'm not like other people
  • I just have bad luck
  • I'm scared
  • I don't know who I am anymore
  • Am I still me without these?
  • Is it too late to change it?

Are you yourself?

There are many paths we follow in the search for self. What has been missing for many of us has been the opportunity to make the stories merely history and living past the dreams of others to our own.


You can find who you are without the stories and the dreams from others. 

  • Live without those feelings and behaviors gifted to you by someone.
  • Living in the present and all it holds is a marvel to behold. 
  • Being the authentic you is so joyful. 
  • You can make the decisions that are best for you.

There is no reason to live another's life vision or values.

There is no reason to pass trauma to yet another generation.


 The methodology I've developed is based on learning new skills. It's also about removing the charge around memories from our bodies. 

Your Path is Yours Alone.

There is the past, there is the future, and then there is the present.

  • Stories live in the past or the future.
  • Stories make drama when they invade the present.
  • Stories brought into the present freeze us in place.

Stories can also just be that, drama free, trigger free, emotion free. Then we may look at them with awareness. We have removed the challenge of living in them. Stories of who we were and who we are can be used as a teaching tool, a remembrance, or a measure of how far we have come.


What I offer is the path of freedom from the bondage, expectations, emotions and triggers of the stories we have collected from our lives, our heritage, other's image of us. 


You can learn the skills. One tiny step at a time.